

So the Blackhawks are really doing badly this season. Bad news for them. Good news for me. I really like going to hockey games. Watching them on TV isn't the same, and isn't something I really enjoy, but being there is a blast.

So why are bad Blackhawks good news? Because Chicago is pretty apathetic towards them right now, and in order to fill the house, tickets are available for 75 cents.

Seriously. I went with my friend Shelby, and I bought two tickets in advance on ticketmaster, and including all taxes, charges, and fees, it was $6.12 for two tickets. Way cheaper than a movie, plus there's beer and fighting. I'm in.

Blackhawks 3. Columbus 1. We're good luck charms.


Cowlick Musical

We open April 20th. Get excited.



Things I have:

A bottle of wine.
The desire to drink a bottle of wine.
A never-used doorstop with a nice coarsely-threaded head.

Things I don't have:

A corkscrew.




I've been teaching a lot lately. While some of those classes have been in a traditional classroom in high school, a lot of those have been in a sort of conference room setting. That's a strange sort of dynamic. Ah well. Free coffee.



My weekend.
Friday- Straight from working at the bank to working box office at The Playground. From there to home, where I worked on some writing and editing stuff until lateish.
Saturday- Up around 5 to do some more of the editing stuff that I couldn't finish the night before. In Naperville by 8:30. Taught a class from 9-1:30 and another one from2-5. Back to Chicago. Quick trip to the grocery store, at The Playground by 7:15 for a Cowlick show. After that, beers and Balderdash at BJs place. Home by 1.
Sunday- Up by 8. In Naperville around 9:45. Class till 1. Back in Chicago for Hogwash rehearsal at 2. Departed from Hogwash at 4 to head home to do more stuff for the magazine. Involuntary nap... (Not a lot of sleep this weekend), and a late arrival to a Fowler meeting at Shelby's. Back home by 9. Work on writing/editing stuff until 3. Awake around 7 to finish up. Phone interview at 9.

And now? The relaxation of the 'work week.'

Stupid quasibohemian, non-9-to-5, maintain multiple job lifestyle. It's pretty great... most of the time. Still, weekends like this make me long for the relaxation of a cubicle, benefits, and a single w2.


Good day, Sunshine

Record high temperature today. 73 Degrees. March 13. Not bad, Chicago. Not bad at all.



Improvised Shakespeare at i.O. What a blast. One of the funniest shows I have seen in a very long time. It's been a while since I've gotten really excited about an improv show, but this one did it for me. Hilarious.


Citius, Altius, Fortius

Chicago's courtship of the US Olympic committee is in full swing. They really want the games here in 2016, and I think that's a great idea. The only other US contender is LA, and they had the games in 1984 and 1932. Give someone else a chance, LA. Plus, the plans for the games here are really cool. You can see them at www.chicago2016.org. Most of the games would take place on the South Side, and the area could use the attention.
I'm sure I won't be around Chicago in 2016, but I think it would be cool to bring my kids and show them around my old neighborhood, have crazy Chicago pizza and hot dogs (and my future kids will likely take off the pickle and eat it seperately, like their old man), and take in the city's revitalization.
So yeah. Members of the olympic committee who regularly read my blog: How about hook that up?


Fun night.

I've been staying pretty close to home as I got over this stomach bug, so tonight was a good time. I had a show with Cowlick at the Playground, where I snapped this lovely suprise photo of MB. The show was a lot of fun, and the crowd was small, but seemed to have a good time.

Afterwards, I went over to Zoran's to do a read-through of a radio play. That was a lot of fun, too. Nothing like a little funny to help out after a few days of wrecked insides.